July 31, 2017 - Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, West Virginia
We tried to get up here earlier, but this place has its own climate, and can get very foggy very unexpectedly. And it's very remote! This was a good day, indeed.
Common Burdock |
Indigobush |
Evening Primrose |
Yarrow |
Common Burdock |
Butterfly Bush |
Woodland Sunflower |
Turk's Cap Lily |
Bee Balm |
Pale Touch-me-not |
Fringed Loosestrife |
Fireweed |
Tall Bellflower |
Camas |
St. Johnswort |
Wild Basil with Great Spangled Fritillary |
Thistle |
St. Johnswort |
Soapwort |
Woodland Sunflower |
Thistle |
Blanket Flower |
Fireweed |
July 16, 2017 - Michaux State Forrest
Our wildflower friends are seeing more plants in Michaux, so it was time for another drive. We probably saw as many fungi as we did flowers!
Everlasting Pea |
Spotted Touch-me-not / Jewelweed |
White Avens |
Common Evening Primrose |
Yellow Sweet Clover |
Queen Anne's Lace |
Chickory |
Self Heal / Heal All |
Purple Coneflower |
Swamp Thistle ? |
June 27, 2017 - Long Pine Reservoir, Lily Pond, Michaux State Forrest
After Kayaking at Long Pine for a couple of hours, we went for a drive through Michaux State Forrest.
Rhododendron |
Tiger Lily |
Queen of the Prairie |
Deptford Pink |
Blue-eyed Grass |
Heal All |
Spotted Wintergreen |
Common Cattail |
Queen Ann's Lace |
Fragrant Water Lily |
?? |
Broadleaf Milkweed |
Silver-spotted skipper on Viper's Bugloss |
Broadleaf Milkweed |
Silver-spotted skipper on Viper's Bugloss |
Broadleaf Milkweed |
?? |
Mountain Laurel |
Rhododendron |
May 24, 2017 - Blackwater Falls State Park
We didn't get to Canaan or Dolly Sods because of the fog and rain, and it wasn't bad at the State park!
Oxeye Daisy |
Unknown? |
Pink Lady Slipper |
Pink Lady Slipper |
Cinquefoil? |
Unknown |
Flame Azalea |
Flame Azalia buds |
Rhododendron |
Gill over the Ground |
Mountain Laurel buds |
Butterweed? |
Field Pussytoes |
Robins's Plantain |
Wild Strawberry |
I also like finding and photographing mushrooms, but I haven't tasked myself to identify them all yet! |
May 14-16, 2017 Ocean City and Assateague
Maybe not warm enough for much beach time, but it was sunny, breezy and cool so perfect for little hikes and picture taking.
May 10, 2017 - Rocky Gap state Park
I've seen people posting wildflowers on Facebook taken at Rocky Gap, so we decided to head up there before all the Spring flowers were gone. While we didn't find a large assortment, we did find some that we hadn't yet seen this year.
Mountain Azalea
Mountain Azalea |
May Apple |
Wild Blackberry |
Flowering Dogwood |
Amazingly soft carpet of moss |
Interesting bud |
Yellow Hawkweed |
Daisy Fleabane |
Eastern Redbud Tree |
Yellow Swallowtail |
Underside of Yellow Swallowtail |
Horaces Duskywing Butterfly? |
Black Swallowtail |
Eastern Towhee (without zoom lens) |
Red-winged Blackbird |
April 29, 2017 - Cunningham Falls and Catoctin Mountain Park
Hubby suggested that we go up to the mountains, instead of the tow path, which is where I often go when I'm alone. We found quite a variety of flowers.
Garlic Mustard |
Jack-in-the Pulpit |
Jack-in-the -Pulpit |
Another Jack-in-the-Pulpit. They were everywhere! |
Dwarf Ginseng |
Columbine |
Rue Anemone |
Virginia Spring Beauty |
Trout Lily (taken from a distance, then zoomed in) |
Yellow Woodland Violet |
Grape Hyacinth |
Wild Geranium |
Bishop's Cap |
Common Blue Violet
Flowering Dogwood |
April 21, 2017 Great Smoky Mountain National Park
I plan to continue adding to this page as I accumulate more photos. As a starting point, we just returned from our annual trek to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which is well known for its variety of wildflowers. I'd like to get better at identifying the flowers I see, so I'll be researching and labeling them here. I don't claim to be an expert, just an enthusiast, so if you see any errors in my identification, please let me know!
Flowering Dogwood |
Dog Hobble |
Hooked Buttercup |
Fineleaf Toothwort? |
Purple Phacelia |
White Erect Trillium |
Robin's Plantain |
Goatsbeard? |
Wild Blue Phlox |
Foamflower |
Cutleaf Toothwort |
Bishop's Cap |
need more research - possibly Bowman's Root? |
Common Fleabane |
Common Fleabane again. I love these |
Very nice! The 'not a clue' plant might be a toothwort, possibly a Cutleaf Toothwort. I look forward to seeing more! XO
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous, Thanks
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness--I think you like photographing wild flowers--and you are very very good at it--
ReplyDeleteI have not seen nor do I know most of these--
thanks for sharing them--
love, di
I love your pictures of wildflowers. It all looks good to me. You have several more then we do. I love to walk in the woods and see them. I saw Jack-in-the-Pulpit this week. Even bought one at a garden center. I enjoy seeing yours.