"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Foto Finish

I've decided to play along with Barbara's Foto Finish each week, and this is my first offering.  DH and I are sitting watching TV, and his cat is snuggled up beside him.  Zoe is a "daddy's girl" all the way.
The movie that we're watching is of absolutely no interest to me, so I'm going to head down to the sewing room.

Have a Happy New Year to all of my USA friends.  My international friends have already seen in the new year.  Here's to hoping that 2012 will be a little kinder than 2011.

Counting my blessings.....Sunny


  1. Happy New Year my sunny Sunny xxx May 2012 bring good things to you xxx

  2. Gorgeous photo Sunny - hope you got plenty done in your sewing room while hubby was watching the movie....best wishes to you for a Happy New Year. hugs, raewyn

  3. Your kitty is very handsome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great photo of Zoe. Of course she is Daddy's girl......
    Our Zoe (GD2) is too.

    Love the header photo too!!!!

  5. I am sure praying that 2012 is a better year than 2011.

    Zoe looks like a Daddy's girl. Our cat isn't a snuggly cat for anybody. Unless it's on HER terms.

  6. We used to have a cat named Sammy that looked just like Zoe. I like the new look for you blog!

  7. I hope that 2012 is good to you and your husband. All the best!

  8. Just checking if you have done your mini blocks for The 12 Days of Christmas yet. I always want to learn more about the photo shooting and editing, but seems no time and energy left after all the fun having. (And of course all the work, too!)

  9. Happy New Year hon, love the kitty pic, so sweet! I too am hoping the new year is much kinder....argh...


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