"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I’ve been busy…

Do you remember this from a couple of weeks ago?


I asked for your advice, and took it all to heart.  I’m so much happier with it now.  I’d still like to add beads for the cat eyes, but I haven’t found my beading needle yet. 






The other project that I finished is a wool applique.  I bought the pattern from Cathi of Shakerwood Woolens

I am in love with wool!  I even bought another pattern a couple of weeks ago when we were in Baltimore.  Then I started shopping online, and found that I couldn’t find the size pieces of wool that I needed without spending a fortune for shipping.  So I contacted Cathi to see if she did special requests, and she was able to fix me right up.  So don’t hesitate to ask her if she can help you.

Be kind to your Valentine….Sunny



  1. I love the Birdie ! It looks finished. Great composition.
    I am not a fan of wool....but I own some. Remind me to give it to you when you come visit.

  2. lovely projects Sunny,hope you enjoyed your day.xx

  3. These additions have worked really well. It looks lovely!

  4. Love the pink little fabric-bit! And the cats and the bird,and of corse the flower hexagon for before :))

    Happy Valentine`s Day, Peggy!

  5. Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day Sunny....

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! I love the way your cat wall hanging ended up. Perfect!

  7. What a prett kitty cat mini! It looks so pretty!

  8. Hi Sunny, Happy Valentine's Day x
    The kitties are looking wonderful, great job!

  9. Wow! Your picture went for meh to Wonderful. Isn't that amazing? Reminds me of those HGTV room makeover shows. So much fun for us viewers. LOL

  10. Your little mini quilt looks just fabulous now with those few additions , see it was worth saving ;-) Great wool project too , isn't wool wonderful to work with .

  11. I forgot that you bought that pattern! Looks great..... and yes, wool can be addictive!

  12. Such beautiful projects....great job!!! I so love wool myself!

  13. Nice Applique :-) I love that heart!

  14. your little bird sitting on the line is perfect along with the clothes basket.
    I love the stuff Cathi has in her booth when I get to see her at quilt shows.

  15. Hi Sunny, I love seeing your photos. I have been collecting wool for a while now and have yet to make any woolie projects. I feel inspired by reading your post.


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