Wow – It’s not even close to midnight, and I’m posting my One Flower Wednesday results.

The reason I’m so efficient is because today was a SNOW DAY!! I got word at 6:45 this morning that our office would be closed for the day. Our snow accumulations were predicted to be in the 10-15 inch range, and possibly even higher. I texted DH yesterday and asked him to take a couple of pictures of the yard, so we could compare them to the piles of snow today. Here is the view before the snow.

Notice the crocus’? They’ve been opening up during the day, and closing at night for several days now. And here is the view after/during the snow.

That’s right – this snow storm completely fizzled in our area. The really great part is, I got a snow day, and I didn’t have to shovel!! Some areas not far from here were hard hit, but our temperatures went up just a degree or two, and it made all the difference in the world.
The squishies have been arriving on a regular basis here lately. I received my Seasonal Mug Rug from my swap partner, Mary, and she included a few extra goodies.

Then I received a nice package from the lovely Maria, to celebrate my birthday.
Aren’t these the cutest spools? And look at the fabric she sent with it!! 
On Monday, I received another birthday gift, totally unexpected. Look at all this loot from my friends at Rugs with Friends. 

And then….. I received a package from Lisa of Lydia’s Treasures, where I won a fat quarter awhile back. Apparently Lisa can’t count, because there were THREE fabrics in the package.

I don’t know why the postal service is struggling to stay afloat. I’ll do my part tomorrow, when I mail 3 packages, 6 cards, and my February and March Inchy Swap envelopes. You’ve already seen all the items I’m mailing, I just haven’t said where they are all going.
I’ve been keeping busy this week with some applique and crocheting, but nothing worth showing yet. I’ve accumulated a few pink scraps lately, so there will be more pink hexies in the near future!
If you were affected by this latest snow storm, I hope it all melts soon, and you’re not without power for long.
Be kind to yourself……Sunny