Our Quilt Retreat was so much fun! It was held at a B&B that is designed to accomodate 4-8 quilters, so our group of 6 was perfect. We arrived at about 4:00 Friday afternoon, got unpacked and set up, and then it was time for a delicious dinner. Back to work, where we stayed up until after 1:00 am, sewing, gabbing, laughing, and getting to know each other. There were two dorm-style bedrooms, and we stayed up even later, talking in bed before we finally crashed. Up early and back down to the sewing room, where we got started working before being called to breakfast. What a life! Show up in the dining room three times a day, get a wonderfully prepared meal, and then go back to sewing! And there was a small shop attached to the work area, filled with beautiful Moda fabrics. Yummy... So we worked, shopped, ate, worked some more.
I started by completing the borders on my class quilt.

I got my Half-pint pieced together and started the borders.

And I finished the February row of my BOM quilt.

Traditionally, each group makes a group block to give to the proprietor, which will eventually be stitched into quilts.

The Half-pint and Hearts took much longer than I had anticipated, so I didn't get to as many projects as I had hoped. But I had a wonderful time and learned a lot from the other participants. I can't wait until next year!!
Wow what a great weekend! Beautiful work!