"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Saturday, September 8, 2012

String Blocks, Anyone?

You know how little projects take on a life of their own, and completely rule the day?  A couple of months ago, we had to get a little gizmo to make the TV in my sewing room work properly in the digital age.  I ignored it for awhile, because I haven't spent much time in my sewing room this summer, so no need for the TV.   Finally one night, DH decided to hook it up.  But.....my sewing room is a major disaster area, and he couldn't access the DVD player that was a necessary part of the plan.  So today was the day.  I had to move and reorganize my entire stash.  Now, my stash is only a drop in the bucket compared to some of your stashes, but it's a lot of fabric.  And I haven't been sewing much, so it's not getting used.  I found a few things that I had totally forgotten about. 
Among the bags and boxes, I found a pile of scraps, mostly fairly narrow strips.  Coincidentally, I watched  a show this morning about string quilts, and I told DH how much I dislike making string blocks.  So.... if you'd like to have your name in a drawing for some 'stringy' scraps, please leave a comment on this post, and I'll draw a name Sunday evening.  I'd like to get them out of here as soon as possible. 

blocks not included, just strips!
And now, I must get back down to the sewing room, and do some sewing.  I'm going on vacation soon, and I may want to stop at a quilt shop or two along the way.  And you know what that means?  MORE fabric!  As a friend of mine is fond of saying, I don't buy fabric because I like to quilt, I quilt because I like to buy fabric.

Hope you're having a stitchy weekend.....Sunny


  1. That is totally me! I love fabric and color so therefore I quit!

  2. That's funny! I guess most people who love fabric have to have some kind of way to use it;)

    I got a Roku in my sewing room a few months ago. There are about 180 episodes of the old fashioned regular Law and Order and I am already in the 70's. I have done a lot more sewing since I got the tv in there!

  3. Would love to have some strings. I was looking at string tuts earlier. Good luck with cleaning up. It seems I always get distracted.

  4. Like you, I love to buy fabric!
    I really don't have much though... sadly family takes up a lot of 'spare' cash. Oh well, serve me right for having so many eh!

    I would love to win some stings! I've never done a string block... but I wouldn't mind doing some.

  5. I love the raggedy look of your string blocks. I'd love to win and add more to them.

  6. .....but string blocks are so much fun to make and always look so pretty!!!!

    I LOVE the colors in that last flower. Hmm...colors for a quilt???

    I hope you get a chance for some great sewing so you can enjoy your new television hookup.

  7. I am like you--the sting blocks do 'nothing' for me!!!!
    But I did enjoyed your flower pictures!!!
    and I love that quote--now I know why I keep buying fabric!!!!!
    Hugs,Di and miss gracie
    PS are you coming to see me on your trip????

  8. Hahaha - you quilt because you like to buy fabric - I can relate! I doubt I'll ever make string blocks, although I love the look, it's just too fiddly for me. Love your pictures. Enjoy your dvd player!!!

  9. love that quote Sunny and i love your blocks,well done.xx

  10. I'm currently in a string block swap~ I could certainly put your strings to good use! :-) Love the flower photo's!

  11. funny i took pix of some of my stash earlier today! {adding them to my blog now}.... Really, I don't think I've got very much at all, and I'd love some strips all ready to go!!!!

  12. I need to do what you are doing , tidying up that stash , oh my it is getting out of hand and I love that quote , my new mantra , haha!

  13. Totally! I quilt because I like fabric! My growing stash and my lack of quilting seems to verify that!

  14. thanx for stopping by my blog, this morning... YES! That beautiful boy in my header is one of my two kitties...
    Not sure if this is how to send a link, but if it works, here's their story.


    Have a wonderful Sunday! {Raining here=canceled our beach day, so I'm thinking maybe I'll sew!}

  15. Do I really need fabric for string block????? Of course I do...
    Have fun cleaning your sewing room Sunny....


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