"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Weekend is Over

Today's scenery is a little different:
DH and I take turns driving.  I crochet when he's driving.

A little rain, lots of brake lights and slow traffic.

Near zero visibility at the top of a mountain.

Thankful to be home safe and sound.  Traffic is always so awful on long weekends, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying our weekends away.  Back to the rat race tomorrow.  Sadly, I think the rats are winning.

Keep on stitching.....Sunny


  1. We moved closer to the mountains back in January. It is amazing how quickly a storm can move in.

    blessings, jill
    hopped over from lee prairie designs

  2. Sunny wow those conditions look treacherous! Yes that's the downside of weekends away, dealing with traffic on your way home...

  3. ugh it looks like our weather here!
    LOVING the crochet and GLAD to know I'm not the only one who crochets in the car

  4. It was beautiful here today, I'll send you some sunshine and mosquitoes so you will remember what it's like. Have a great week.

  5. Sunny that weather doesnt look to good at all.xx

  6. so pleased you are home safe again Sunny...
    Love the crochet....

  7. I used to crochet all the time. I made afghans as gifts for many, many people. I am surprised at how many of them still have them as that was years ago.

  8. I hid all weekend only to go out to a needed Wally World trip. It's crazy out there!!

  9. Glad you had a nice travel weekend--and am glad you are safe back at home!!!
    You just let those 'rats' know that you are the Queen rat and for them to shape up--or ship out!!!!!!
    gotta go make a hexie flower for tomorrow--thanks to Maria's reminder!!!
    hugs, Di and miss gracie

  10. The rats always win..LOL. I remember all that mountain fog...those drives to work were very scary sometimes. We lived in Bryson City area 6 years. Good memories!

  11. My first afghan was made using this zigzag pattern. I loved it - the pattern not my afghan. My grandmother was so funny, saying you think you can count to 8, until you are working on this pattern, then you find out you can't. LOL!!

  12. Glad you made it hope safely , those look like really bad conditions to be driving it , especially that fog , that just tears the eyes out .

  13. Nasty weather here too. Good you got some hand work done while travelling.


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