"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Friday, February 24, 2012

Explain it to me slowly.....

I've been reading all the posts about the Blogger change that is coming March 1st, and I want to make sure I'm ready.  Can someone please explain it to me in simple terms?  When I go to my Dashboard, there's a section called "My Reading List".  This is what I use on a daily basis to read blogs.  Will blogs disappear from this list if they are not Blogger based?  What about the blogs that I have linked to on my main blog page?  Will these be saved?  I do not want to have to subscribe to blogs and get them in email form if I don't have to.  I don't even know what an RSS feed is.  Can someone explain this all in terms that I can understand?  I don't want to lose my bloggy friends!!!!

contented but confused.....Sunny


  1. I don't understand it either. I have all of these same questions but no answers.

  2. I don't have answers either, but I found all my favorties once, if I have to I will find them again..THEY will not get the best of me!

  3. I didn't even know there would be changes! Maybe this is a case of ignorance is bliss. (Oh I have no idea the answers to your questions either.)

  4. Wish I had some answers I am as confused as you and so far can't seem to get any understandable answers , March 1 is fast approaching .If you do get an answer let me know please.

  5. Good thing I read your post, I didn't know about any changes coming, better check this out. Have a great weekend!

  6. I have heard of the changes but don't understand exactly what is happening - explanantions I have seen use terminology I'm don't understand!!! My back up plan is to note down the addresses of the blogs I follow (yes I know, heaps of paper!!) so I can re-load them in the 'new system' if necessary!! Sometimes I just wish blogger would leave things alone and stop fiddling!!

  7. I hadn't heard about the changes. Thanks for the "heads-up." Now when my blogger is acting weird on March 1st, I'll at least realize what's happening. Well, I won't know what's happening but...nevermind. I'll just know it's not something I did.

  8. I follow all my blogs in google reader......from your dash board there should be the box down the bottom where you ahve your reading list.............down in the bottom right coner there is a little "view in google reader"
    all the blogs you currently follow will be in there...........I don't "follow" persay but I have added lots in google reader.......it is easy to add blog you want to read...........and when you first go in all the blogs you follow will have about 10 of there last post but once everything is read then the posts come thru as they are posted to blogs........email me if this doesn't make sense..........I can't find info about the changes so if you know where to find it maybe you could email me the link/s please.......

  9. First facebook forces change and now this? Nooooooooo! This is the first I've heard of blogger changing...sigh.

  10. I'm with you! Hope we can figure it all out and help one another!

    Hugs, Carolyn

  11. If I understand the change correctly, blogger will no longer include blogs from other sources such as wordpress. I think all the blogs we follow with blogspot addresses are okay. At least that is the way I understand it but I certainly could be totally wrong here.

  12. If you get answers...and understand the answers...would you please post them? :) blessings, marlene

  13. I did not know there were going to be changes until a couple of days ago. I don't like change unless I am the one doing it. I don't understand any of it either. I hope they explain too.

  14. Well for us with followers of small numbers...that is not nice... boo blogger!!

  15. Blogger is changing? Who knew? Just popping in to visit from the FWS QAL.

  16. Here it is March 1st in NZ (it's nearly 10am ) and I haven't noticed any difference on my blog....yet!?

  17. uh-oh! I haven't been keeping up on things!!! Read this post of yours today....and now, I realize that I can't see any blog updates!!! Guess I'm gonna have to spend some time on here, 'adding' blogs again, to be able to see them.... uggh! another thing to keep me glued to this chair!
    I don't know where you find all the time you do for sewing! {I've recently moved my machine into my bedroom, but I still haven't made any extra time to sit at it!---Though, I do think about it, each day!---I know, I know, prioritize... if only--- I need to force myself to sit there for a bit instead of here!}


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