I’ve already been hard at work in 2015. I’ve joined several SAL’s and hope to do some major scrap-busting this year. First up is RSC2015. Angela over at socrappy has been running this for several years, but this is my first year to join in. She chooses a color each month to work with, and also provides tutorials for different blocks. We can use her block suggestions and have a rainbow quilt at the end of the year, or make any other blocks that we wish. Since I have a bad habit of making small quilts that never get used, I decided to make place mats for our Meals on Wheels program.
I spent one entire evening sorting all my scraps by color, and was amazed at how much ‘scrash’ I have. I don’t remember where I saw that word, sorry, but it’s so appropriate! I’ll be happy to give credit if I find out. So far, I’ve made 6 placemats.
I started by using a few small orphan blocks that turned up, and then tried to make them into a usable size.
I also made a birthday card using some fabric, but I can’t share it yet. Today I cut our three Dresden plates. I think two of them will become placemats, and then I think I’ll try to make a quilt, adding a block each month with the assigned color. I’ve never made a Dresden plate before, so this should be fine. I’m also planning to participate in Get Your Mrs. Claus On Project again, and this month I’m planning a hexie doll quilt. After all, I had two lonely hexies in my blue bin, so I’ll add a few more and make a quilt. I’ve barely made a dent in the blues, so there will be more placemats forthcoming.
Another SAL that caught my attention is Jo’s Gifted Gorgeousness. This is for cross stitch or other stitchery projects in our ‘pile’ that were gifted to us, or the result of a giveaway. I have the perfect project for this, and will be posting my monthly results on the 15th. Mine is a BOM from 2013 that I barely started, so I’m hoping this will give me the incentive to finish. Jo is pretty lenient about what qualifies as gifted, so stop over to check it out if you’re interested.
Martina, who blogs at sunshinequilting is hosting a Gail Pan Patterns SAL. We’ll be working on our choice of patterns, and linking up at the end of the month. I always see so many lovely Gail Pan projects in blog land, that I just had to join in on this one. I’ve already purchased a book, so I’m ready to go.

And of course, I’m working on Jenny’s Vintage Kitchen BOM. If I finish this post early enough tonight, I’ll be starting on my stitching.

Bunny Hill’s free project this year is 12 months of little snow people on hearts. The first one is adorable, and I can’t wait to get started on it, either. you won’t want to miss this one.
2015 will be another year in which I strive to use up what I have, and not buy any new fabric unless it’s necessary to finish something. My record wasn’t perfect in 2014, but I did pretty well. I’m also planning to get all my UFO’s quilted this year. Other than a couple of very long-term projects, my only UFO’s just need to be quilted.
If you’re still reading along. I appreciate it. I know I haven’t been very good about blogging lately, and I keep saying I’ll try to do better. I’ve just been so busy sewing! Thanks for stopping by.
Keep on Stitching - - - - - Sunny