The Quilting Blitz continues, so I have some pretties to share! Last week I shared my blue doll quilt, blue baby quilt, and charity child's quilt. Another child's quilt was finished but apparently I didn't take a photo before I shipped it off. I then had to take a break to make my monthly Prairie Women's project. It was a smallish table runner, but it took longer than I anticipated. But then doesn't everything? This is the fourth project I've made with this fabric, so the back is pieced, using up most of the remaining pieces.
I don't think I ever showed the third project from this fabric, so here it is! What a fun one to work on. Lots of little yo yos and triangles, and I just love it! I'm way ahead of schedule on finishing this one, so don't tell anyone you saw it here! LOL!
Next up was this little sampler quilt, from Quilts from El's kitchen. Back in the spring of 2013, Eleanor Burns' sister, Pat Knoechel visited our guild. This book was new then, and I think almost everyone in attendance purchased a copy. And I have yet to see a finished quilt from it! I purchased the fabric shortly after the book, and finally got started in March of this year at retreat. I had fallen out of love with the fabric by then, but once it was finished and quilted, I loved it again!

This next one has been waiting to be quilted for several months. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do, but decided it was time to just do it! I began by quilting a little swirl in each of the hexies. Then I did some loop de loops in the background.. When I was all finished, I knew the swirls in the hexies were a huge mistake. I spent most of Sunday ripping out quilting. Not my favorite thing to do. But I like it so much better now! This was designed as a table cloth, without any batting in it. I wanted to make it a wall hanging, but didn't know quite how to hang it. I was advised to put a tab on the back of each scallop, then thread a hula hoop through the tabs to keep its shape, I'll be going hula hoop shopping soon!
I also whipped this little wall hanging out right before the 4th of July. The sample I saw in the store featured the tiniest little buttons, but I used some beads that I already had rather than ordering the buttons.
So, I started with a pile of 10 projects to be quilted. Six are finished, one is under the needle now, I'm waiting for special thread for another, so I'm very happy with my progress. And then there are only about 102 other projects waiting to be made! No time be get bored.
I'll close with a few nature pictures. Check out my Wildflower page if you're interested in seeing more. I'm not completely up to date, but I have been adding to it.
Keep on stitching..... Sunny