"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Saturday, March 22, 2014

FNSI and Unintentional Swaps

I enjoyed stitching on Friday night with friends all over the world.  I’ve been working on the stitchery part of a small quilt I’m making.  I finished up today, so should have a quilt top to share with you soon.

Last weekend I attended my guild’s Quilt retreat.  On the first night, I whipped up this little wall hanging as a warm-up project.

Then I moved on to a quilt that I took to the retreat last year as well.  When I started cutting it out, I realized I didn’t have enough reds, although I purchased the two charm packs that were recommended.  So I bought more red fabric, and started cutting and stitching.


I sewed it in rows, and I was stitching the very last piece on each row when I realized a huge oops!  I had to unstitch nearly every piece and start over.  Thankfully, it was a Schnibbles and not a large quilt!  I present Brocante!  It’s now in the to-be-quilted pile.

I also started another top, but I didn’t get far enough to show here yet.  I hope to make some progress on it tomorrow.

Look what arrived in my mailbox yesterday!









Several months ago, my new friend Leanne and I were chatting after she returned home from a trip to the US.  I offered to send her some Mickey Mouse fabric, and later added some Halloween fabrics.  Fast forward a few months to when I asked Leanne if she would consider making a Tilda doll for me after seeing the beautiful doll on her blog.  She said she would, and she refused payment because of the fabric I had sent earlier.  That was my first unintentional swap.  Thanks Leanne – I love my Tilda!!


Michelle was my next unintentional swap partner.  She mentioned a quilt book that she was looking for, and she found that it was out of print.  I happened to have the book, and although it had beautiful quilts in it, I knew I was unlikely to ever make one, so I offered the book to her.  I wasn’t expecting payment for it, but she sent me some of her wonderful patterns! 

If you don’t already know Leanne and Michelle, you should pop over to their blogs.  They’re both extremely talented and I’m proud to call them friends. 



We had snow again earlier this week, and there’s a possibility of more next week.  But…. we had the chance to do some yard work today, and DH grilled out dinner!  I have to believe that Spring will eventually get here.

I’ll leave you with a Spring picture from last year.

Off to do some more stitching now!       Sunny



  1. Hi Sunny! :) How fun you got to go to a retreat! And way to go with all the unpicking! The top turned out really cute! And what a sweet Tilda doll you got. How about we trade--I'll send you some sun and you send CA some moisture. ;)

  2. Visiting from FNSI. Your embroidery looks lovely.

  3. Hello Sunny, your new tilda doll looks quite at home, was she jet lagged at all. lol I'm so glad you like her, If she got a bit squashed then you can spray her with a little bit of starch to get out any wrinkles.

    Love your projects you made at retreat, very pretty.
    I also love your spring flowers, I'm about to plant my new blulbs now Autumn is here.

  4. Nice projects you have been working on, Sunny. Don't you hate reverse sewing? I have just finished doing some....
    Your Tilda doll is lovely. Sew nice of Leanne to make her for you....

  5. Hello Sunny,

    Love your little crow themed quilt. You have been working on some lovely projects.

    Happy days.

  6. Your retreat was very productive , love both projects you made while there . The Tilda doll is just sweet and Michelle has some lovely patterns ! We had snow over night , looks more like Christmas than spring :-('

  7. I think someone said spring was here--
    but here-where????? It is still cold here in the 20's and snow threatening!!!
    I love the doll--got some of Tilda's book to make me some--but???
    and I am proud that you unstitched so much==and love how it came out--
    great projects!!!
    I did more sorting this morning and rearranging--but think I still have way too much Christmas stuff!!! Sometimes we are just not happy no matter what!!!!
    love, di and miss gracie

  8. Lovely stitching thanks for your company Friday night. Your unintentional swaps are beautiful .

  9. Some beautiful projects you made Sunny and I agree that those "unintentional" swaps can sometimes be the best!

  10. Loving your un intentional swaps and also the snow *happy romantic sigh*

  11. All that unsewing stinks!! LOL Me and my seam ripper fit together nicely, with just about every project I attempt!! Love your Tilda doll....great swap!

  12. Love your Brocante quilt. I hope spring comes to you soon--it sure has been a looooooong winter.

  13. I like the little embroidery you did and the projects at the retreat look great.
    Love the idea of unintentional swaps. What fun!

  14. Oh I can't just imagine your dismay over sewing up the top incorrectly. So I guess you can say you got double the fun sewing it up. Love all your projects & pictures!

  15. Wonderful projects, love your little wall hanging! We had snow last night, had to shovel this morning.

  16. Your stitchery is lovely, a very productive night.


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