"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Sunday, November 1, 2015

October OPAM

They say time goes much faster as you get older, so I must be getting really OLD!  Can you believe October is gone?  October is one of my two favorite months.  It’s such a pretty month.  DH was gone for nearly a week, but I wasn’t going to waste an October weekend, so I went hiking at a lake that I hadn’t been to in years. 


When I left home, I was wearing a hoodie and the sun was shining brightly.  By the time I reached my destination, I had driven through two rain showers, and a SLEET storm!  Sleet!!  I added another fleece jacket, a waterproof wind jacket, and gloves before setting out on my hike.  It was actually a gorgeous day, but quite cloudy so most of my pictures are too dark. 

The following weekend DH and I drove down to Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park.  We usually avoid that in the fall as it is a very popular destination for leaf peepers and is quite crowded.  Going during the week was awesome!!  The colors were at their best.


We took two short hikes, and I started feeling sick during the first one.  After we had our picnic lunch I was feeling better so we tried a second hike.  Not a good idea.  I went to bed as soon as we got home, at around 8:00, and spent the next three days in bed.  Now DH has it. 

Following my recuperation, I spent much of my time cross stitching, and put the final stitch in Santa’s Village last night.  Once it is washed, ironed, and has the buttons attached, I will be proudly showing it to the world!!

My two finishes for the month include a wall hanging that used some brown scraps for RSC.  I have another  brown project started, but it is not going to be a quick finish.


I chose not to make a brown doll quilt, so used some scraps from another quilt that I recently made.


Unfortunately, the organization that I was making the doll quilts for no longer needs them, so I have a collection of 10 quilts if anyone knows of another organization that might be able to use them.  They’re all approximately 14x18”.

I also made two new name badges for two guilds, and my sewing machine has a name badge too.  At my last retreat, someone slapped a post-it with my name on the back of the machine, and my name was spelled wrong!  So now there’s a cute little tag with the correct spelling. 

Next weekend is Retreat again, so I’ve spent the last couple of days cutting, cutting, and cutting.  Two quilts are prepped and ready to go, and I hope to cut out another today.  I can’t wait!

Keep on stitching…….Sunny




  1. Beautiful Fall photos...your two minis are sew cute. Hope you find a home for your doll quilts
    Pleased you are better and I hope DH is well soon.
    Love to see your name tags ? You will be busy at retreat making at least two quilts.

  2. The mittens piece is oh so cute!

  3. The mittens piece is oh so cute!

  4. What cute wallhangings! There's a lot of work involved in getting ready for retreat, isn't there ... but oh so worth it!

  5. Your doll quilts are darling; I hope you can find good homes for them. I especially like the one featuring the lilies block.

    You caught some gorgeous fall color on your trip. :- )

  6. Sunny, Check to see if you have a local Toys for Tots program like we do here in Chambersburg, PA. Our Guild makes doll quilts for them and they give them out at Christmas. Feel free to contact me if you need more info.

    1. Tonya, I don't see a way to contact you. A couple of my friends just joined the Chbg Guild, and I noticed that you make quilts for Toys for Tots. I'll call our chapter this week, and if they don't take them, I'll send mine up to your guild.

  7. Lovely to see the gorgeous colours in the Autumn foliage. It is so pretty! But what a shame you ended up being unwell. I hope you are feeling better and the same goes for hubby too.

  8. What beautiful photos. Love the brown finish.

  9. Glad you are feeling better now and I hope your DH is right behind you in recovery.

    The fall colors are so spectacular. We get so few changes here so I love to see others.

    I love those little mittens. I am sure you will find the perfect home for your doll quilts.

  10. Lovely finished Sunny! I am glad you are feeling better and I hope you have a wonderful time at next weekend's retreat! Christine x

  11. Beautiful quilts and hope you have a lovely time at the retreat

  12. LOve the fall tree photos--glad you were able to get out and get some though both trips did sound like a bit of a struggle--do you know how to 'lighten' your photos through an photo ap??? I often have to take some of the brightness off my photos!!
    love you two projects --
    keep stitching--
    smiles, di

  13. Your photos are beautiful, Autumn is so gorgeous where you are :-) Cute wee finishes, and hope you have a wonderful time at retreat!!!!

  14. Gorgeous autumn colours in your photographs. Here in France we have had a very colourful autumn too - we drove through a large wine growing area at the weekend and the vines were stunning. Sorry you have not been well but it sounds like you are back on track now. xx

  15. Beautiful pictures. Love the wall hanging and the doll quilts. You go girl!


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