"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Monday, August 6, 2012

More squishies!

Two more squishies were waiting when I got home today!  I received my August BSA block from Samara.  I just love the dots and the stripes.  thanks Samara!  Samara is too busy to blog often, but you should go take a look at the amazing picture quilt she's making.

I won this book last week from Jamie of Busy Bee Quilts.  There are some really cute ideas in the book, and I think I may be able to adapt some of them for mug rugs.

She also included 3 extra books!  Score!!  I've glanced through them very quickly, and I think they will be very much at home in my library.

Yesterday, I finished my second BSA block for August.  I've never made this block today, but I really had fun with it

DH was nice enough to go to the Post Office today, so I sent out my two BSA blocks, August Inchy swap, Mug Rug swap, Name Game Swap, a PIF gift, and some blocks for Phoenix Quilts.  It feels so good to have everything for the month finished and mailed.  So now I'm free to work on my Ornamanent of the month, and Christmas Through The Year.  And maybe start something new??

Contentedly stitching the day away.....Sunny


  1. love the Pot Holder book...
    Nic BSA block you received.Love the colours in the one you made. I also have never done that one.

  2. congrats with your win Sunny lovely prizes and lovely blocks,well done.xx

  3. Oooh, lovely books, particularly the potholder one - looks so cute! xxx

  4. Looks like fun stuff! Pretty quilt blocks!!

  5. Congratulations on the wins , lovely books and blocks too :-)

  6. Awesome wins Sunny. I like the quilt blocks.

  7. Congrats on your win. I have the 501 quilt blocks. I always think I'll make something from it and never do. LOL! Sounds just like me right?

  8. you always win good stuff--not fair!!!but as you are a good friend--
    I am very glad for you!!!!!
    and it must be 'thrilling' to know your work that needed to be done for the month is done--and now you can just play with some fabric and see what 'pops' up!!!!!
    Hugs, Di and miss gracie

  9. I've done no swaps or bees for such a long time
    I'm unsure where time is going
    But today I only got out of my pj's to have a shower and then put them back on again *bliss* and I have spent the day catching up on blog reading

  10. It's always lovely to receive goodies in the mail. Love the blocks!

  11. You have been so lucky lately! Congratulations on a sweet win!


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