"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Monday, November 12, 2012

All kinds of stuff.

Several months ago, I requested a staple remover at work.  I finally got it last week.  It's the small things in life that make me happy.
 This lovely tree came my way from Cheryl at Polka Dots and Rick Rack, as a prize from Christmas Through The Year for October. 
 My BSA partner this month, Juliane,  requested a house block, in colors of my choice.  I knew I had some little brick scraps, and I was thrilled to make brick chimneys!
And here is the block that I received from Julianne.  I don't think I've seen this pattern below,  and it will fit right in with my other red, white, and blue stars.

Somehow I got my own name for the inchy swap this month, and these are the flowers I made myself.  I actually made three, but one was finished much later, and I didn't take another photo.  They're actually half inch hexies for a special project.
This little mini quilt is for the special project too. 
And I actually did make one flower for OFW last week, but it never got around to posting.  I also made several stepping stones.  I plan to get back to sewing flowers together again, soon.

I guess that pretty well sums up the last week.  We went to one funeral here on Saturday, and got to spend a lot of quality time with family.  FIL's children, grand and great grands were all together.  We're off to California in a couple of days for SIL's funeral, so there won't be much sewing happening.  Earlier tonight I kitted up a couple of cross stitch projects to take with me.
I've been reading your blogs, but haven't had the energy to make many comments.  Life should get back to normal next week.  I hope.
Keep on stitching.......Sunny


  1. I'm sorry for your loss Sunny. Your projects look great. Drive safely.

  2. That house with the brick chimneys and swirly blue sky looks fantastic. I'm sorry about the two deaths in your family but it's good you're keeping on the sunny side of life. God bless you and your loved ones.

  3. Pleased you finally got your staple remover.
    So many great blocks and hexies Sunny

  4. I had to smile when I read about your wait for the staple remover. You have to wonder sometimes why the little things take the longest.
    Looks like you have your hands full at the moment. Good luck.

  5. Oh dear, 2 funerals in such a short time. Take care of yourself, I will be thinking of you.

  6. Hello Sunny and what a lovely collection of blocks and projects you recieved and you finish them I tend to keep a dozen projects going simateniously , good job on all . theodora

  7. You'll be supporting your grieving relatives, but look after yourself too.

    F x

  8. You've had quite a week, Sunny. I'm surprised you had the energy to post! I laughed when I saw the staple puller - I guarded mine with my life when I was working ;>) Love the little tree and the house and star block are beautiful! Your little hexies always bring a smile to my face! Take care on your trip. Hopefully all will be back to normal soon.

  9. How odd that you should get your own name in a swap. Well, at least you know you like what you gave yourself - lol! Love the house block with the brick chimneys.
    I'm sorry to hear that you are having to deal with so much but glad you have family around for support and love.


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