"Make what you want to make, and make it the way you want to make it." Gwen Marston

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Catching up. . .

I need to get caught up on quite a few things today.  First, I received another Christmas gift from Di.  She sent this beautiful table topper, and it's even hand quilted.  She also included a nice little sweater for one of my bears, and a bon-bon.  The bon-bon was filled with M&M's, but somehow they seem to have disappeared.

I used the table topper on the table with my hors douevres on Christmas, and received very nice comments on it.

I also received some Hexie flowers from Anna, just because.  She also sent some fabric which is destined to become part of more flowers.  Thanks Anna!

We had a very nice Christmas, filled with family and friends.  Santa brought us some gifts, and most of mine were stitchy things.  I received fabric, scissors, needles and rotary blades.  I'm terrible about changing my rotary blades, so I immediately put a new one in my cutter, and it's amazing how well it works.  Why don't I change them more often?  I also put a new needle in Fiona, and she's very happy..

I got a little behind on my BSA blocks, but today I mailed off my December and January blocks.  This block went to Shannon for December:

And this block went to Andra for January:
I've been working on finishing several small projects, and will have more pictures soon.  I'm trying to dig out my sewing desk, and instead of moving the piles around, I'm trying to finish up the project.  It feels great.  I have a huge list of projects to do, and I'm going to tackle them one at a time.  No more buying!  Just sewing.

Counting my blessings.....Sunny


  1. I love your block for Andra. It is so pretty!

    Glad you had a Merry Christmas!

  2. The table topper is so cute and so are the hexies and your blocks are just perfect , lucky gals who receive them.I am going to try not buying for a while too , just use up what I have and finish up a few projects around .Happy New Year!

  3. Yay! You got your needles! I didn't get any, but I can't complain since I got engaged instead of getting needles. Just as good!

  4. Beaut table topper and Ilove the blocks you have made.... I have also promised myself to tidy and use up what I have ... I wonder how long we will stick to it???

  5. Love your table topper and other gifts. Looks like you had a nice Christmas. Happy New Year to you!

  6. Lovely gifts you recieved and I love your blocks.

    Like you I am going to TRY to catch up on my projects but can't promise I will not buy more fabrics.

  7. What great gifts! The hand stitching is beautiful.

    The reason you didn't change your blade is cause they are so darned expensive! But isn't it wonderful to have a new blade. I'm always amazed each time I change it.

  8. Di's table topper is too cute. She did a really good job. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. And that's what I always say, no more buying just sewing. HarHarHar!!!

  9. You are just a busy little bee, aren't you? I love love love the Jan. block you made. Thanks for answering my question on the Swap Block blog. Call me crazy, but quilt shops actually intimidate me. I'm afraid to ask questions because I don't even know what to ask... LOL.

  10. What a lucky duck you are. Such nice gifts. And what busy girl you are.

  11. Sunny that table topper is so beautiful,lucky you and nice blocks you have made,well done.xx

  12. I love your blocks and your table topper is beautiful. How do you find all of the fun block swaps online? I'll have to figure this one out. Happy New Year to you!

  13. What a lovely table topper and Christmas gifts you received :-) Those M&Ms wouldn't've lasted long in our house either! Love the two blocks you have made and sent off, a traditional and modern - very nice.


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